Frequently asked questions
How many measurements can be stored in memory?
SPOT mode, each ID number can store 200 measurement data.When the 201th measurement is carried out, the monitor automatically covers the first measurement.When the creation ID is full, the user needs to manually delete the previous ID number to create a new ID number. Monitor mode, up to 1000 measurements can be stored. The monitor has a loop memory. In the 1001 measurement, the monitor automatically covers the first measurement. For medium-sized dogs,
which animal model should I choose?
Judge according to the size of the cuff used. If the most suitable cuff used is #3 or smaller, select small animal mode. Select large animal mode if the most suitable cuff is #4 cuff or larger cuff.
How to choose the correct cuff size?
Wrap the cuff around the pet's limbs to ensure that the scale is within the marked range. If there are two different cuff sizes that match the pet, choose a larger size.
How long can the battery last?
Continuous monitoringSpOThe interval between blood pressure measurements is set to5 Minutes, charged batteries should last for at least 4 hours before charging. if only manual BP measurements are performed, the fully charged battery shall continue to perform at least 150 BP measurements before recharging. Battery charge takes more than 6 hours. The battery life depends to a large extent on the time when the touch screen is displayed as open. In order to prolong the battery life as much as possible, it is recommended to turn on automatic shutdown.
Can this monitor be used in awake and anaesthetic animals?
Yes.SN800 vital signs monitor can be used in anesthetized and awake animals.
How to prevent the cuff from sliding down or falling off?
Tie the cuff as tightly as possible. Special attention must be paid to the density or thickness of species fur. If the cuff is not fastened, check the fur magic stick and, if possible, tear off the magic stick.
any other power options?
Yes. The device is equipped with a main power supply, connected to the built-in battery charge. When the device is not connected to the power supply, the battery allows the device to be portable for use.
How much is the minimum and maximum weight of cats and dogs when using SN800 monitors for blood pressure measurements?
There are no restrictions. Any cat or dog with a suitable cuff range limb is applicable.
Warranty time
Mainframe 1 year, blood pressure hose 3 months.